Copyright NZRFU 2004. All Rights reserved --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- All intellectual property on this disc, including without limit, text, graphics --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and copyright work is owned by the NZRU and may not be copied, used --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- for commercial purposes, or distributed without the express prior written --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- permission of the NZRU. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Note that the images and logos of our sponsors are the copyright of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- those sponsors. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Disclaimer --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- information provided by the NZRU, the NZRU make no warranties or --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- representations, expressed or implied, as the accuracy of that --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- information contained on this disc. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Thanks --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- CD Developer - Dave Ellis (Breakthru Technologies) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Project Manager - Peter Harold (NZRU Education Advisor) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- NZRU, PO BOX 2172, Wellington